Romila Thapar – A History of India and the Absence of Satan
Romila Thapar – A History of India and the Absence of Satan
Romila Thapar – A History of India and the Absence of Satan
Romila Thapar’s ‘A history of India Volume 1’ is worth every re-visit. I had the good fortune of coming across is some years ago, prior to that, I had very little knowledge of the historical make-up of the modern India, although her work stops at the arrivals of the Europeans in the sixteenth century.
Published by Pelican, the book ‘traces the evolution of India before contact with modern Europe was established in the sixteenth century. Professor Thapar’s account of the development of India’s social and economic structure is arranged within a framework of the principal political and dynastic events. Her narrative covers some 2,500 years of India’s history, from the establishment of Aryan culture in about 1000 B.C. to the coming of the Mughals in A.D. 1520 and the first appearance of European trading companies. In particular she deals interestingly with the many manifestations of Indian culture, as seen in religion, art, and literature, in ideas and institutions.
Thapar states that ‘the history of India in the first volume begins with the culture of the Indo-Aryans and not with the prehistoric cultures of India.’ She further says that ‘1526 marks the arrivals of the Mughals in northern India and they were (amongst other things) actively involved in the future of Europe in India.’
In her chapter ‘The Antecedents’, Romila Thapar says ‘wealth in India, as in every other ancient culture, was limited to the few. Mystical activities were also the preoccupation of but a handful of people. It is true, however, that acceptance of such activities was characteristic of the majority… whereas in some other cultures the rope-trick would have been ascribed to the promptings of the devil and reference to it suppressed, in India it was regarded with amused benevolence. The fundamental sanity of Indian civilization has been due to an absence of Satan.’
Originally published on AboutFilm on 15th May 2008
Shakila’s About Film is an amalgamation of art and activism. Drawing on historical and current events, this blog aimed to provide an alternative discourse to creative and political viewpoints. About Film also incorporated into this endeavour an attempt at a perspective on ways of seeing; from Film, Culture, Art, Literature, Gender through to Politics, welcoming debate and discourse. About Film – created in 2007 – offered views, critiques, and opinions that were distinctive, creating a dynamic and powerful place for discussion. With topics as diverse as the partition of the Indian sub-continent through to the Cinema of Pasolini, About Film brought an original point of view inviting readers to be a part of this vibrant arena and add to its promising and thought-provoking content.
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I must get the book!